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Quality First Duct Sizing Forced Air Guidelines Software

Found in: Quality First Companion Software | back

Non-Member Price: $140.00

Member Price: $105.00

+ GST 5% & PST 7%

Are you a TECA member? If so, you pay our member's discount pricing. Please login or find out here if you qualify for our membership pricing.

NOTE: You must have Microsoft Excel™ 2010 (or newer) spreadsheet software on your Windows computer to run this software. This Microsoft Excel program utilizes ActiveX content. Before downloading, please ensure this can be enabled in your version of Excel.

Please provide your name and company as you wish them to appear on your software. Changes requiring re-issue are subject to a $25.00 fee.
If you need more than one copies of this software, please order them separately so that we can assign dedicated activation code to each copy you are purchasing. Also, prior to purchasing the software, please read this refund policy. For more information about the software, please view the tutorial videos available.

TECA's Quality First duct sizing software was developed as a companion to our training courses and is designed to produce the same Quality First documentation found in our manuals, increase legibility and accuracy, and greatly reduce the time required to perform calculations. The Program is in a spreadsheet format and requires Microsoft Excel to run it. Software file download link is provided via email once you complete your order. Please note, software is licensed, not sold, on a single user basis. If you are ordering for several users, you must purchase a licensed copy for each individual. TECA Member discounts apply.

Attention: You must have Microsoft Excel 2010 (or newer) spreadsheet software on your computer to run these programs.

Duct Sizing Program Features

  • For residential and light commercial installations, up to 5000 CFM, up to 36 x 18 trunk duct size.
  • Supply Air System Worksheet calculates trunk and run sizes either for room-by-room cfm requirements or by run size and number of fittings.
  • Return Air System Worksheet Enter codes from SA Worksheets for automatic calculations of Return Air trunk, run, drop and grills.
  • Up to 280 possible duct runs and up to 5 branch ducts (connect to trunk or other branch ducts).
  • NEW: Choice of 0.2"wc or 0.3"wc static pressure systems.
  • Re-designed layout with more space for rooms & comments.

Ordering on behalf of a large company? Please be advised that if you are ordering from a large company the program can have multiple users (up to 4). Separate branches will require their own copy. It is copyright infringement to copy TECA software.