| office@teca.ca

Renew Membership for Andrew Sheret Ltd. - Duncan


STEP 3 - Verify Your Information and Membership Due Payment

Please review your company information we have on file, select your payment method and submit.

* All membership fees include the GST. TECA BN# 88535 4423 RT0001

Membership Due

Supplier / Manufacturer (Branch Office) $197.00

Contact Details

What is it?
What is it? If the voting member has changed, please indicate the new voting member details in the "Company Info Changes" box below.
If you don't work for any particular company, please enter your name.
Please enter your address in the following format only:
#123-456 ABC Street
If your city is not listed above, please enter it below.
If confirmation email is not received, please check in your SPAM or JUNK MAIL folders.

Voting Member's Additional Contact Details

Payment Details

Master Card
Cheque or Money Order

If paying with Credit Card

Your credit card issuing bank verifies your billing address against their record on file. Please enter your billing address exactly as you see it on your card statement. Here is a correct address format sample: #123-456 ABC Street

If paying with Cheque or Money Order

Please make your payment payable to TECA and mail to:


PO Box 73105
Evergreen RO
Surrey, BC, V3R 0J2

Have Your Contact Information or Employees Changed?

We have the following people registered with us as your employees, thus they enjoy TECA member pricing and discounts. If any of these people no longer work for you or you have new employees, please let us know in the box below. Include their names and contact details.

Mel Gavel | Member by company