| office@teca.ca

Certified and Registered Contractors Listings

Inspectors and any member of the public, including homeowners can search the TECA database using the tool below to verify if a mechanical installer or designer has a current Quality First™ certified number for any of our training programs. Names of current Quality First™ certification holders are listed alphabetically, noting all valid certifications held. The database is updated regularly.

Are you a trained installer or designer and do not see your name on the list? Your certification may have expired and requires updating, or it may not yet be posted if your program has recently finished. Forced Air guideline certification must be renewed every three years, and Ventilation Guidelines certification must be renewed at every BC Building Code change when section 9.32 is significantly modified. Code changes occur approximately every four years, but the ventilation section may or may not be impacted. Existing Hydronic System Design certification holders should update to the 2024 training, as significant upgrades have been made to the course and TECA will no longer recognize pre-2024 training numbers after 2026.

Keep your contact information up to date with TECA to ensure you receive renewal notices. Contact us for status or renewal inquiries, Quality First™ database information, or regulator's listings.

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Certification Legend

V - Ventilation    FA - Forced Air   H - Hydronic   P - Principle of Moving Air

HRV - Heat Recovery Ventilator    HLHG – Heat Loss / Gain

MHPC – Municipal Heat Pump Certification    - TECA Member

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Balraj S. Hundal Login V H MHPC HB Mechanical Ltd North Vancouver Lower mainland
Balwinder Bhandher Login V MBBS Plumbing & Heating Ltd. Surrey Lower mainland
Balwinder Khind Login Day & Knight Plumbing & Heating Ltd. Surrey Lower mainland
Balwinder Singh Thandi Login V HRV Air Route AC And Heating Ltd Surrey Lower mainland
Barbara MacQueen Login V HRV HLHG Howarth Technology Duncan Vancouver island
Barbara Meihuizen Login V Domus Home Energy Inc. Vancouver Lower mainland
Barinder Pal Singh Sran Login V FA HLHG Veer AC & Heating Ltd. Abbotsford Lower mainland
Barnaby Ryan Login P HLHG Unspecified
Barney Andersen Login P HLHG Kirkland Metal Shop Ltd.
Website: check it out
Vancouver Lower mainland
Barry Felardeau Login P Reid Brothers Plumbing & Heating Vancouver Lower mainland
Barry Hart Login Geo-Tech Geothermal Heating & Air Conditioning Ltd. Surrey Lower mainland
Barry Roberts Login Lower mainland
Barry Volen Login P HLHG Pacific Rim Heat Pumps Port Alberni Vancouver island
Bart J. Schulte Login Pipeline Plumbing & Heating Squamish Lower mainland
Barton Leibel Login V FA P HRV Pacific Heat Pumps Sidney Lower mainland
Bayman Shawqi Login P HLHG MHPC Airlinx Heating and Plumbing Ltd. Burnaby Lower mainland
Beau Haslehurst Login P HLHG Action Heat Pump Services Courtenay Unspecified
Becky Cross Login V Lower mainland
Behnam Mardani Login MHPC Moore and Russell Vancouver Lower mainland
Behrouz Bahadori Login H Access Superior Mechanical Ltd. Chilliwack Lower mainland

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