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Forced Air Guidelines Manual

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This manual was designed for use with TECA's Quality First™ Forced Air Guidelines Course.

5th Edition, January 2008
ISBN: 978-0-9809333-0-7
144 pages, loose-leaf binder format

Gain a thorough understanding of the process of sizing and installing a forced air system including heat loss/heat gain calculations, equipment selection and duct sizing. Now with heat gain, heat pump selection and low pressure duct tables. All calculations, charts & tables are in Imperial units.

The Forced Air Guidelines Manual includes:

  • Installation Requirements: per Gas Code, Building Code and equipment manufacturer. Includes a System Completion Checklist.
  • Heat Loss/Heat Gain, Appliance Selection and Duct Sizing: Worksheets, explanatory text and charts, tables and drawings for heat loss/heat gain, equipment selection to dwelling load requirements and duct sizing tables (both 0.3"wc ESP and 0.2"wc ESP) and system layout to selected equipment requirements.
  • Examples of Worksheet Use: elevations, floor plans, alternate heat loss methods, cfm distribution, appliance selection, duct system layout on plans, system summary sheets and explanatory notes.
  • Retrofit Worksheets: Supply Air and Return Air System evaluation worksheets and a Customer Summary form.
  • Appendix including R-Value tables, HTM calculation, equivalent lengths, duct sizing and round to rectangular duct conversion charts, meter clocking tables/procedures and more.

Development of the new heat gain/heat pump material (added in 2006) was funded in part by the BC Ministry of Energy, Mines & Petroleum Resources under the Energy Efficient Buildings program. The development of minimum standards for the correct sizing, design and installation of high efficiency equipment and systems is the basic building block to the achievement of the government's target reductions in energy consumption.

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DISCLAIMER: This Manual was developed in consultation with, and using information obtained from manufacturers, suppliers, contractors and others with specialized experience. It is subject to revision as further use and investigation may show such revision necessary or desirable. Installations and designs that comply with this manual will not necessarily be acceptable if, when examined and tested, they are found to have features that impair the result contemplated by these requirements. The authors and editors assume no responsibility and accept no liability for the application of the principles or techniques contained in this manual or for errors or omissions and expressly disclaim any such responsibility.