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Future Energy Landscape in British Columbia

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Date Posted: June 30, 2024

Jason Wolfe, Director of Energy Solutions at FortisBC, with his explanation of energy use in BC, brings his perspective to this politically charged 'Energy Mix' discussion. Click the following link to view his full presentation in PDF format or watch the video.

Future Energy Landscape in British Columbia

Energy & Power: Jason Wolfe explains how power demand, which is a very different animal, varies wildly over the year. That demand must always be met!

At winter January 2023 design condition, BC’s power consumption supplied by both gas and electric utilities was 3 times the size of the entire BC Hydro system capacity. Re-stated, natural gas supplied twice the power of BC’s entire electric system’s capacity.

Jason’s January 10th presentation preceded this January’s cold snap by only 2 days. On that coldest day, BC Hydro was over 95% of its limit and Alberta’s electricity utility almost did snap, calling on 99.9% of its entire system capacity. Alberta needed to buy power from its neighbours just to keep the lights on.


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