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WORKSHOPS hosted by:



The following series of videos are from a LEEP heat pump workshop that examines a case study home in Burnaby, BC. The presenters walk through a design approach that uses best practices to accurately size a heat pump system in a retrofit application. Although many HVAC contractors make estimates on equipment sizing based on past experience and simple calculations of a certain number of BTUH per square foot of a building, the more sophisticated method of modeling and measuring critical design data will result in a more efficient and cost effective installation on some projects.


Introduction by: Sneha Bernard
Project Lead, Local Energy Efficiency Partnerships (LEEP)
Natural Resources Canada/Government of Canada

Part 1 | Sizing Heat Pumps for Retrofit Applications

Presented by: Gilles Lesage
Total Home Solutions Inc.

This video discusses the use of CSA F280 for calculating the heat loss & heat gain of a building. It highlights how accurate calculations assists with correctly sizing HVAC equipment, as oversizing heat pumps can cause cascading problems throughout the design process.

Part 2 | Electrical Service Impacts of Heat Pump Retrofits

Presented by:
Ben Guidici, Riverside Energy Systems
Gary Hamer, BC Hydro

This presentation discusses how design decisions can facilitate or even avoid an electrical service upgrade during a renovation. Careful electrical load analysis by a professional, as outlined in the CEC is a powerful tool. In some cases, a demonstrated load might be the right solution for avoiding an unnecessary electrical upgrade.

Part 3 | Mastering Control Systems for Optimal Heat Pump Performance

Presented by: Gilles Lesage
Total Home Solutions Inc.

This video discusses different control strategies for a dual fuel system and how the selection of a balance point impacts the performance and cost of a heating and cooling system. Understanding the economics and the priorities of a client are critical to making informed decisions on control schemes.

Part 4 | Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP) Sizing & Selection Tool

Presented by: Jérémie Leger

NRCan has produced a free air source heat pump sizing & selection tool. Jérémie provides an introduction on how this powerful tool can be used to compare and select heat pumps for a specific project, providing better systems at more competitive process.