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Municipal Heat Pump Certification (Hydronic) Course Registration


Dates: Jan 21, 2025, Jan 23, 2025, Jan 28, 2025, Jan 30, 2025, Feb 4, 2025, Feb 6, 2025, Feb 11, 2025, Feb 13, 2025

Instructor: Eddie Calder

Course Overview: Read it


Is your company a TECA member? If so, you pay our member's discount pricing. Start from here to pay a membership pricing.

We are TECA members so we pay the Member seat price $795.00 + GST (5%) $39.75

We are joining TECA now and will pay the Member seat price $795.00, plus Membership dues + GST (5%) $39.75

( scroll down for membership dues dependent on member category)

We are not TECA members and not joining TECA and will pay the non-member seat price $975.00 + GST (5%) $48.75

We are Regulators / Inspectors $200.00 + GST (5%) $10.00

We pay a portion. We have a discount code to attend this class.

Redeem Your Code

We pay $0.00. We have a complimentary code to attend this class.

Redeem Your Code

Where do we need to mail our course manuals?

Please provide the name, mailing address, phone number and e-mail for each attendee. All registrants will have manuals shipped to them via courier from TECA's Printing House.

Attendee #1 Contact Info

IMPORTANT: Ensure full address is entered, including Postal Code. Manuals will not be shipped if full address is not entered. Note that we cannot ship manuals to a PO Box. Please provide a physical address.

Notifications will be emailed to you.
Required by a courier company.

Registering more than one person?

If you would like to register additional attendee(s), click the button below to open more attendees informaton boxes.


Attendee #2 Contact Info

IMPORTANT: Ensure full address is entered, including Postal Code. Manuals will not be shipped if full address is not entered. Note that we cannot ship manuals to a PO Box. Please provide a physical address.

Notifications will be emailed to you.
Required by a courier company.

Attendee #3 Contact Info

IMPORTANT: Ensure full address is entered, including Postal Code. Manuals will not be shipped if full address is not entered. Note that we cannot ship manuals to a PO Box. Please provide a physical address.

Notifications will be emailed to you.
Required by a courier company.

Attendee #4 Contact Info

IMPORTANT: Ensure full address is entered, including Postal Code. Manuals will not be shipped if full address is not entered. Note that we cannot ship manuals to a PO Box. Please provide a physical address.

Notifications will be emailed to you.
Required by a courier company.

Attendee #5 Contact Info

IMPORTANT: Ensure full address is entered, including Postal Code. Manuals will not be shipped if full address is not entered. Note that we cannot ship manuals to a PO Box. Please provide a physical address.

Notifications will be emailed to you.
Required by a courier company.

Attendee #6 Contact Info

IMPORTANT: Ensure full address is entered, including Postal Code. Manuals will not be shipped if full address is not entered. Note that we cannot ship manuals to a PO Box. Please provide a physical address.

Notifications will be emailed to you.
Required by a courier company.


The following section is applicable only if you are joining TECA

Please select your Membership Type *

* Membership fees below include applicable taxes. TECA BN# 88535 4423 RT0001

Voting Membership

CategoryAnnual Due
Contractor $335.16
Builder $335.16
Consultant $335.16
Supplier / Manufacturer $596.45
Supplier / Manufacturer (Branch Office) $197.00
Energy Advisor $335.16
Utility $578.81
Manufacturer's Agent $438.80
Industry Participant $335.16
Educational $335.16
Industry Participant category includes trade schools, consultants, engineers, architects, home inspectors, designers, builders etc.

Associate Membership

CategoryAnnual Due
Regulatory / Inspector$197.35
Branch Partner of a Voting Member$197.35
Already a member or not joining TECA


Yes, sign me up for TECA E-News Bulletins.

Members Listing Consent

YES, Please post our company contact information and website link (if applicable) on the TECA website Members List.

Who Referred You to TECA?

We were referred by the following current TECA Voting Member company: Referring members receive a credit towards renewal of their Voting Membership the following year. A $25 credit for Contractors, $50 for Suppliers & Manufacturers.

Contact Details

If you are joining TECA, you must enter your Voting Member's first and last names. What is it?
If you don't work for any particular company, please enter your name.

Please enter your address in the following format only:
#123-456 ABC Street
If confirmation email is not received, please check in your SPAM or JUNK MAIL folders.

Payment Details

Master Card
Cheque or Money Order

If paying with Credit Card

Your credit card issuing bank verifies your billing address against their record on file. Please enter your billing address exactly as you see it on your card statement. Here is a correct address format sample: #123-456 ABC Street

If paying with Cheque or Money Order

Please make your payment payable to TECA and mail to:


PO Box 73105
Evergreen RO
Surrey, BC, V3R 0J2

If Joining TECA, Choose Your Account Password *

Once your membership status is approved, you will be able to access members-only area of our website, as well as shop for products or register for courses at a discounted member prices.